石塚千尋氏の『ふらいんぐうぃっち』を取り上げ、日常生活の物語構造を解き明かしていく。既存の一般人が魔法を使えるようになる半面、敵対関係が構築されることの多い魔法少女作品や魔女の血筋であることへの懊悩を描く魔女っ子作品とは違い、自己を一般人と認識している主人公が非日常的な存在でありながらも日常生活を構築していく物語である。また日常系に対する一面的な解釈とも違い、時間的経過・成長側面を描いている。しかし必ずしも努力を推進しているわけではなく、大きな目標や目先の目的を設定するわけでもない。あくまで日常生活が構造化されていく。また作者の希求する日常性が、ツーリズムの一端として社会的認知されたアニメ聖地巡礼も誘発し、現実と物語が絡み合いながら読者の前に立ち上がってくる。This paper considers the narrative structure of everyday life in Chihiro Ishizuka’s “Flying Witch”. There are works in which ordinary people learn to use magic and fight against others, as well as works by witch girls that depict the problems of being of witch blood. On the other hand, this work is a story about a main character who knows herself as an ordinary person and goes about her daily life even though she...
市販の500mL ペットボトル入りミルクティー ( 6 社 8 種) を用いて、 官能評価の結果を、 商品解析に用いられているプロダクト・マッピングの手法に応用し、 味の特徴について系統的に分類するこ...
This is the follow up study about contemporary Japanese workers\u27 life-styles in today\u27s Japan ...
A new parental line with high anthocyanin content, \u27Cha Chuukanbohon Nou 6\u27 was selected from ...
\u27Daizaburou\u27 is a new rootstock cultivar of eggplant,and was registered as \u27Nasu Nourin Dai...
After the WWII period, especially from later 1940s to 1950s, the discourse on the American Managemen...
Until recently people with disabled had been forced to be in his or her own home in spite of their w...
Effects of organic fertigation using corn steep liquor (CSL) and methane fermented cattle waste (MFC...
When the literary genre of the novel appeared in nineteenth-century modern Western society, and late...
The Hsiyuchi is an important and interesting record of the journey made in the 13th century by Ch\u2...
富山県南部に分布する上部ジュラ系手取層群桐谷層から,生痕化石Schaubcylindrichnus が産出した.標本は断片的であるが,“S. freyi” あるいは “S. formosus”に類似し...
In 18th century classic enlightenment thinkers construct the civil society based on private law. Kan...
キーワード:名詞修飾「の」の過剰使用 中国語母語話者 1音節形容詞 2音節形容詞 In this paper, we investigated the overuse of Japanese -no ...
The Hsiyuchi is an important and interesting record of the journey made in the 13th century by Ch\u2...
市販の500mL ペットボトル入りミルクティー ( 6 社 8 種) を用いて、 官能評価の結果を、 商品解析に用いられているプロダクト・マッピングの手法に応用し、 味の特徴について系統的に分類するこ...
This is the follow up study about contemporary Japanese workers\u27 life-styles in today\u27s Japan ...
A new parental line with high anthocyanin content, \u27Cha Chuukanbohon Nou 6\u27 was selected from ...
\u27Daizaburou\u27 is a new rootstock cultivar of eggplant,and was registered as \u27Nasu Nourin Dai...
After the WWII period, especially from later 1940s to 1950s, the discourse on the American Managemen...
Until recently people with disabled had been forced to be in his or her own home in spite of their w...
Effects of organic fertigation using corn steep liquor (CSL) and methane fermented cattle waste (MFC...
When the literary genre of the novel appeared in nineteenth-century modern Western society, and late...
The Hsiyuchi is an important and interesting record of the journey made in the 13th century by Ch\u2...
富山県南部に分布する上部ジュラ系手取層群桐谷層から,生痕化石Schaubcylindrichnus が産出した.標本は断片的であるが,“S. freyi” あるいは “S. formosus”に類似し...
In 18th century classic enlightenment thinkers construct the civil society based on private law. Kan...
キーワード:名詞修飾「の」の過剰使用 中国語母語話者 1音節形容詞 2音節形容詞 In this paper, we investigated the overuse of Japanese -no ...
The Hsiyuchi is an important and interesting record of the journey made in the 13th century by Ch\u2...
市販の500mL ペットボトル入りミルクティー ( 6 社 8 種) を用いて、 官能評価の結果を、 商品解析に用いられているプロダクト・マッピングの手法に応用し、 味の特徴について系統的に分類するこ...
This is the follow up study about contemporary Japanese workers\u27 life-styles in today\u27s Japan ...